Diamond Select Toys has announced a number of new Vinimates and Minimates figures. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classic Minimates 2-Packs Assortment captures the Turtles as they appeared in their hit 1990s animated series, with classic, instantly recognizable...
Tonner’s 2017 Spring Update
Tonner Doll Company has announced several new projects that are currently in the works. Among those, there's the Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman doll. That doll should be in production very soon and shipping from China in July or August of 2017. There's Claire and...
Hot Toys’ Alien: Covenant Teaser
"The path to paradise begins in hell." The newest iteration of Alien films - Alien: Covenant - will hit theaters on May 19th 2017. And Hot Toys is teasing the above image of their upcoming highly detailed Alien Xenomorph 1/6 scale collectible figure from the new film.
REVIEW: April 2017 Loot Crate – Investigate
The April 2017 Loot Crate is all about the theme “Investigate”. We get our first glimpse of this with the themed investigative briefcase box. It features illustrations of everything you’ll need to start your very own forensic investigation. Also, the included Loot...
Fools Paradise’s The Last Hire
Fools Paradise is currently taking pre-orders for their latest Batman inspired at piece. The Last Hire features Bane with a melting ice cream cone. He's staring at a Camouflage Batmobile Tumbler coin-operated ride with a Harvey Dent coin box. Limited to a run of 398...
OctoDunny Release
A collaboration between Kidrobot and Clutter Studios, the OctoDunny will be released today (Friday May 12th 2017) at PIQ Grand Central and PIQgifts.com. This 5-inch tall resin Dunny is triple cast, featuring a solid green interior covered in a glow-in-the-dark...
Galactic Plushies: Star Wars Classic Series 2
Funko has announced another cuddly plush series - the Galactic Plushies: Star Wars Classic Series 2. These 7-inch to 8-inch tall plushies include Star Wars favorites such as Wicket, R2-D2, Yoda, Luke Skywalker and a classic Stromtrooper. If you're interested in...
Mega Man M.U.S.C.L.E. Wave 1
Super7 has announced that Mega Man - everyone's favorite video game - comes to life in the classic M.U.S.C.L.E. 1.75-inch form. The 12 figure Wave 1 series comes in four 3-packs ($6.00 each) or as a set ($24.00). Pack A - Mega Man, Ice Man, Sniper Joe Pack B - Mega...