Based on the original screenplay written by J.K Rowling, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Hot Toys has announced their Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Cosbaby Series. Each Cosbaby stands approximately 2.25 inches to 4 inches tall. The series...
Pop! Animation: Bleach
Funko is adding a trio of figures to their Pop! Animation: Bleach Series. Grimmjow is as fierce a warrior as his appearance suggests, and Renji is prepared for battle. Also, Renji, the lieutenant of the 6th Division, is armed with his formidable Bankai sword and ready...
Pop! PEZ: Doctor Who, Golden Girls, and Star Wars
Funko has announced additions (and new series) to their Pop! PEZ lineup. The Pop! PEZ: Doctor Who series features the Fourth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Thirteenth doctors. The Pop! PEZ: Golden Girls lineup is the perfect way to thank you for being a friend...with Dorothy,...
Nendoroid Ron Weasley from Harry Potter
Ron Weasley from the popular film series - "Harry Potter" - is joining Good Smile Company’s Nendoroid series. The Nendoroid Ron Weasley is now available for pre-order, priced at ¥4,167 (about $38.00). The pre-order window ends on January 9th 2019, with the figure set...
Aggretsuko Reversible Medium Plush
Everyone’s favorite introverted red panda, who’s just trying to get through the work day, is now as a 2-in-1 plush pillow from Kidrobot and Sanrio. The Aggretsuko Reversible Medium Plush allows you to choose between the character's shy, smiling face and full-on rage...
Rock Candy: Wreck-It Ralph: Ralph Breaks the Internet
Apparently, the Disney princesses are crashing Ralph and Vanellope’s adventures. Or so Funko has outed with their Rock Candy: Wreck-It Ralph: Ralph Breaks the Internet Series. This special Rock Candy series features the following eleven characters: Mulan - looking...
Hot Toys – 1/6th scale Deadpool (Dusty Version)
Everyone's favorite filthy, foul-mouthed Merc returns to Hot Toys, as they have announced the 1/6th scale Deadpool (Dusty Version) collectible figure, inspired by the final battle scene in Deadpool 2. Expertly crafted based on the character’s appearance in the movie,...
Hallowscream B.C. Blasters
Art Gallery has announced word of a new painted edition of James Groman's B.C. Blasters. The Hallowscream B.C. Blasters are cast in brilliant bright orange vinyl, featuring a spooktacular factory paintjob with black, metallic purple, and metallic green sprays. The...