Mezco Toyz has released the pre-order details for their One:12 Collective Punisher collectible figure. The piece includes two head portraits capturing Frank Castle’s intimidating demeanor as portrayed by Jon Bernthal. Outfitted in a leather-like overcoat and armored...
Pop! Wrestling – Bullet Club
Funko is excited to announce members of Bullet Club coming to Pop! The Pop! Wrestling - Bullet Club series features Kenny Omega, Cody, and The Young Bucks (in a Pop! 2-pack). You can currently pre-order these over at
Jurassic Park Clawzplay Assortment 1
The Jurassic Park Clawzplay, from Factory Entertainment, love to show their Jurassic Park fandom and want to be involved in the exciting culture of cosplay. The first assortment of Jurassic Park Clawzplay plush consists of Ellie (Triceratops), John...
Threezero’s Cersei Lannister Teaser
Threezero has released the above teaser image of their upcoming Game of Thrones 1/6th scale figure - Cersei Lannister. This is obviously a later-season version of Cersei (once she goes goth). I'll be interested in seeing additional photos of the face sculpt, since...
Kaminari (God Roar) Apalala
Lulubell Toys has released the Kaminari (God Roar) Apalala by Devils Head Productions x Dski One. This demon of destruction stands approximately 6 inches tall and is cast in a pearly silver sparkle base vinyl with peacock green, magenta, light blue candy, purple and...
X-Files 1/6th scale Agent Scully
Threezero has released the X-Files 1/6the scale Agent Scully collectible figure for pre-order. The Standard version is priced at $168.00, while the deluxe version (with an additional trench coat accessory) is priced at $180.00. Worldwide shipping is included in both...
One:12 Collective – Batman: Sovereign Knight
Mezco’s One:12 Collective Batman trilogy continues with Batman: Sovereign Knight. Within his crime-fighting career, Bruce Wayne has honed his skills, methods, and physical fitness to their apex. His tech is significantly enhanced. The Bat-Suit has been augmented to...
Beyond The Streets: Artist Spray Paint Cans
Beyond The Streets, the definitive showcase of graffiti and street art, announces a partnership with Montana Colors as the spray paint partner for the LA-based show. To celebrate the partnership and commitment to graffiti and street art culture, Montana Colors is...