Twenty Questions: Erick Scarecrow (ESC Toy)

While I haven't actually totaled it, I'd have to believe that Erick Scarecrow and ESC-Toy have amassed the most yearly awards from Plastic and Plush. That's due to the longevity of the artist and company in the designer toy fold, as well as producing toys in vinyl,...

The Artwork of Sean Madden

This week, we've handed over the reins to artist Sean Madden for our Monday special feature. Sean, whose artwork you can find at,  describes his art process and shows off some of his latest customs and sculptures. Previously, my work has been...

Twenty Questions: David Horvath

P&P: Congratulations on getting Ox on the cover of the 2011 Toys "R" Us Great Big Book. How do you feel about Uglydolls having their own sections in two of the most well-known toy stores in Toys "R" Us and FAO Schwarz? DH: I still have the Big Book from when I was...


We talked with David Foox, the artist behind the upcoming 3.25" tall Organ Donors vinyl toy line.What's you artistic background?I am a painter - mostly acrylics on canvas, paper, and wood. I am self taught and did a few different apprenticeships with other...