
We talked with David Foox, the artist behind the upcoming 3.25" tall Organ Donors vinyl toy line.

What's you artistic background?

am a painter - mostly acrylics on canvas, paper, and wood. I am self
taught and did a few different apprenticeships with other artists. I
guess I am just getting started. 🙂

How did you get involved in the designer toy scene?
I guess I came into this scene
through an unlikely route - I started with Gamesworkshop miniatures,
paints and customs. From there I learned a little sculpting and more
painting technique and then started to broaden my interest and became
fully obsessed with the designer vinyls coming out of California,
Japan, and Europe. 

Your first release of original figures is the Organ Donors line.  What's the inspiration behind the line?

The inspiration comes from two
totally different aspects. Firstly, Jess has an uncle with a
debilitating lung disease. He received a set of lungs by chance from a
25 year old IronMan Athlete involved in an accident. This proved to be
a wonderful miracle as he has recovered exceptionally well and can even
play a round of golf and a match of tennis! This story alone is
inspiration enough! However, secondly, I also like to conceptualize the
human condition down to its very basics - and in doing so I view Organ
Donors as a way to bring humanity a little closer together. If we could
all realize that we share the very same organs and that we are in this
thing called "life" together, I really think people would be better to
each other - more understanding. So in short, I guess the gist of that
is "to make the world better by understanding the similarities we all


You're doing both resin and vinyl figures. How will they be released? Or how can collectors purchase them?

as you know the release date is now set - final - for mid-May 2009.
They are going to be a blind box edition. Some people whine about blind
boxes, but for Organ Donors we believe the blind box fits our concept
correctly. Just like you can't see what organs are inside your body,
you should also get a surprise when you open the blind box. However, if
anyone is absolutely dead set on any one specific organ, please email me and I will see what I can do.

As for the resins. There are only 2 complete sets in existence and
they are not for sale. We do have a 6-piece set all white (you seen the
pics I think) and these are also not for sale. I just cannot part with


How has the process of releasing your first designer vinyl figure been?

The process has been awesome. Erick
Scarecrow, who you know well, is awesome and we are happy to have
connected with ESC Toy Ltd. Additionally, the people at Munky King
(Plex and Zury) and Super7 (Mr Flynn) were extra awesome and
encouraging. The process started with sketches
I did one night after hearing something about lung transplantation and
just ran with it. I talked to some people who said it was a great
concept and that I should go ahead with it. So I did. We did the
artwork for it, then colorways, sculpts, resins, changes, more resins,
more changes, final resins. Now we have vinyls, it's awesome!

Do you have any plans for adding characters to this line or releasing another vinyl in the near future?

know that's funny because I had a collector email me with a character
suggestion. He suggested we add another rare to the kidney to be called
"Red China" in celebration of their "organ harvesting" from prisoners
etc. Well, needless to say this was not in line with our concept at
all!!! However, I am in talks with Erick about making these little guys
move (animation). So let's see what happens!


What types of projects are you currently working on?

Oh all sorts... I am working on some custom vinyl
projects. I did a custom for Munky King out in L.A. and a lot of people
liked it and have asked me to make similar ones. I also have a graphic
novel project coming up pretty soon. Lots of painting as well... many
paintings in the works.
