NYCC13: DTA Trading Card Series

The 2013 version of the Designer Toy Awards will have an added component of fun, thanks to their partnership with SideKick Lab. There will be a DTA Trading Card Series featuring 177 base cards revealing most of the finalists in the 3rd Annual Designer Toy Awards....

NYCC13: Nervis Wr3k Customs

Nervis Wr3k will have a several offerings available via SubUrban Vinyl (Booth #208) at New York Comic Con 2013. He will be bringing some Hybridian Drones - one-off figures in a set of 10 original sculpts.They will be priced at $60.00 each. He will also have Dunny...

NYCC13: The Chimeron

The Chimeron will be available at New York Comic Con 2013 from the Monsterisland Booth #504. From Acolorfulmonster, there will be only one of each figure shown above available. So you might want to hit the booth quickly.

NYCC13: The Walking Dud

While the Walking Dud was created by Adam Smith co-owner of True Cast Studio, there have been a number of artists who have had a hand in the figure. • Adam Smith (True Cast Studio) - Original sculpt • Jason Frailey (sculptor) - Ultra violence sculpting • Josh Edwards...