Hieroman Release Party

On Friday November 5th 2010, Hieroglyphics and GoldCoin will have The Hieroman Collection Release Party at 111 Minna Gallery in San Francisco. The event will take place from 5PM until 10:30PM. They'll not only be showing off the toy, but the rest of the collection as...

Little Monsters invade tonight

A cold wind has started blowing, leaves are changing color, and dark monstrosities jump from shadow to shadow, this can mean that it's Halloween. To celebrate the holiday in style, renowned SF artists Zombiemonkie (aka Mikie from Blamo) and TaskOne have curated the...

Bit.Trip FATE Arcade Bank Box Paper Foldable

Bryan of Paper Foldables fame has released the next paper piece from Bit.Trip - a series of retro-esque rhythm-themed Nintendo Wii (WiiWare) games starring CommanderVideo - is the Bit.Trip FATE Arcade Bank Box. This is the 3rd Paper Foldable for the Bit.Trip series...

Galaxxor Wave 2

The latest batch (Wave 2) of Galaxxor figures - done up in UV resistant crystal clear black light reactive plastic - are heading from The God Beast to Ben Spencer (Galaxxor). These are unpainted version...so I'm guessing that there will be some paint applied to the...

Cometdebris Halloween

Cometdebris (Koji Harmon) will be releasing 3 Halloween custom Tokoji Seijin figures via the Cometdebris Online Store on Saturday October 30th 2010 at 11:59PM PST (October 31st at 3:59 PM Japan Time). All of the custom figures are hand painted by Koji Harmon and will...

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