MonsterPants’ NYCC Sea-Borg Release

MonsterPants will be debuting six new Sea-Borg figures at New York Comic Con 2012. All are handmade and packaged by filmmaker James Felix McKenney and can be purchased for $25.00 each at the MonsterPants Booth #3116. The first three will be: SB-111 SEA-BORG QUEEN -...

Argonaut Resins’ First NYCC Reveal

Eric Nocella Diaz (Argonaut Resins) is beginning to announce some of the items that he will have up for sale at his NYCC table. Above, is an 8-inch Tuttz custom by Clinton Yaws entitled Cleopatra. It will sell for $250.00 and be available starting on Friday October...

Nathan Hamill’s Strife & Sire

Nathan Hamill has announced that his newest vinyl figure - Strife & Sire - will debut at New York Comic Con at the Tenacious Toys' Booth #3121. Nathan will be there to sign on Friday, October 12th 2012 at 3:00PM - which is when the figure will launch. (If you...

Signing Schedule: Kidrobot and Art Whino

The Block (the new name for The Cultyard) will feature a number of artist signing throughout New York Comic Con 2012. Here's the lineup for two of the bigger booths - Art Whino and Kidrobot. Art Whino Booth #3203 Saturday, October 13th 1PM: Kelly Denato 2PM: Lou...

Super7’s Fall Show Exclusives

Super7 will be on both coasts between October 11th and 15th. They'll have exclusives available at both the APE (Alternative Press Expo) Booth #311 and New York Comic Con Booth #3009. The exclusives figures that will be available at both events are Lamour Supreme's...

DTA 2012 Release: Night Dreamer Benny

Up until October 13th 2012, The Designer Toy Awards will be revealing new exclusive releases that will be available at the DTA Ceremony in NYC during NYCC (enough acronyms for you?) This is the "Night Dreamer Benny" by Okedoki. Limited to 28 signed and numbered pieces...

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