CCC – Fidelia and Fidelina

It's been a while since we've heard from Charles Stephan (Charles' Creature Cabinet), but he's decided to release Fidelia the Firefly Faerie, which was originally released April 16th 2009, once more. With the help of his friend Grace from Jpopdolls, the tiny...

DIY Chebaka Power Vinyl Toy

Chris Alexander - Creo Design - has released a new DIY 4'' Chebaka Power Vinyl Toy. The do-it-yourself platform version will run $15.00 plus $5.50 shipping and only be available via the above link.

Chaos King from Bunka

Artoyz Originals has announced that they'll be producing the 7.5" tall Chaos King vinyl figure from French illustrator Bunka. It will be available beginning on Thursday, November 8th 2012, with a release part that day beginning at 7:00PM at Artoyz Paris. This version...

REVIEW: Boombot2 Camouflage

Background You might remember that the company Boombotix was previously named SkullyBoom. But the Boombot design actually started as the Mini Skully from Urban Warfare. There were even several series of vinyl toys released. The company was sold, but, luckily, the...

The Sucklord Sleeps with the Fishes

Last night deep inside the DKE Warehouse, Bill McMullen (AKA Billions McMillions) was grinding away, shrinkwrapping and hand picking colored markers for a very special limited edition coloring poster. You remember these! This kind of poster was an Grade A Number 1...

The Gentleman Cavey

The Gentleman Cavey (from Holly Stanway) will be debuting at Designer Con 2012, at Booth #713, ahead of his official release date on Monday November 12th 2012 at 1:00PM ET. Made from charcoal grey super soft fleece and sporting a teeny handcut felt moustache, a little...

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