Feb 22, 2011 | Shows, Wootini |
Wootini Gallery is proud to present Blood Brothers, a group show by a trifecta of talent: Abe Lincoln Jr., Evoker and MCA. It was inevitable for these artists’ mischievous, cute, strange and wonderful work to come crashing together in one show. You can see their...
Feb 21, 2011 | Max Toy Co, Shows |
On Saturday February 26th 2011, TAG (Toy Art Gallery) will host Mark Nagata's Alien Argus Custom Group Show. Alien Argus is the first collaboration between TAG and Max Toy Company and they have organized TAG's biggest custom show to date to celebrate the release. The...
Feb 20, 2011 | Shows, Super7 |
Paul Kaiju and Leecifer will be joining forces for "a custom painted figure show featuring hand-painted stylings on their own designs". The event will take place at Super7 on Saturday February 26th 2011 starting at 6PM. There will be plenty of one-off creations, along...