REVIEW: Destination Lubies

Background The Lubies line wasn't always a licensed Major League Baseball series. They actually started out as a regular plush animal line featuring a handful of different barnyard or jungle animals. In addition to the licensed sports Lubies and the normal animal...

REVIEW: Bad Bad Kitty Monster

Background Patch Together, who has been known to release a resin figure or two, has teamed up with artist/designer ProjectBlue02. The figure, which is named Bad Bad Kitty Monster, is described by the creator as follows: Inspired by all the things I always loved about...

REVIEW: Skulldog Plush

Background Patch Together is primarily known for producing resin figures from a community of designers and artists – some professionals, some amateurs. Recently, they've tried their hand at production plush pieces. One of those is the Skulldog plush, from the artist...

REVIEW: Jessica Rabbit TCF

Background In a decade that spawned a number of iconic films – some good, some bad – when you think about 1980's animated movies, really, only one movie comes to mind – Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The live-action/animated hybrid movie stars the likes of Bob Hoskins as...