KRK Ryden Circus Punk

What's this? A NEW Circus Punk?!?! Yes, the Fresno company is back with a special 15" tall two-sided Circus Punk designed by KRK Ryden (signed and numbered by the artist). This is an edition of 25 pieces...all being sold on ebay for $65.00 (free US shipping).

Thomas Han Circus Punk

Here's a company we haven't talked about in a little while...Circus Punks!  I've been a fan of their stuff for a while now (I'd definitely lump them in there with the trendsetting designer companies).  They have released a limited edition (40 pieces) Thomas...

Planet of the Punks

Check out these photos of the limited edition set of Planet of the Apes styled 15" Circus Punks that Jason Kochis designed. There were only 35 total sets produced. They are available for sale at the Circus Punks site and run $150 for the set.


Joe Grady designed the newest Circus Punk - named Maori Punk.  You've probably seen plenty of Grady's designs around, but this is his first CP. As far as the two designs, I always dug punks that utilized both sides of the canvas, so that's why I created a...

Black Friday 13th at FlyOver Gallery

The folks in Madison, Wisconsin will have a chance to see what's shaping up to look like a great well as being able to pick up an exclusive Maori Circus Punk designed by Joe Grady.  FlyOver Gallery has picked up the entire run of the Maori Punk...

Squink’s Custom Circus Punks

Squink's Chris Booker set word of their first attempt at customizing a few mini Circus Punks.  Being the first time working on the blank Punks, he wasn't sure how it would turn out.  Eye Up! and Bozzy definitely have a circus-like feel to them.