Day 13 of Giveaways: Argonaut Resins

Well...this is the last day for Plastic and Plush's 12 13 Days of Xmas Giveaways. We're sad. You're sad. Everyone is sad to see the end of our 2010 giveaways. But we're closing out the year in giving away a special prize from Argonaut Resins. One...

Available Tonight – Xmas Tuttz!

Eric (Argonaut Resins) has announced that all 15 Xmas Tuttz resins (including the 3 chase) are going on sale tonight at 12 Midnight EST. So, as you're waiting up for Santa to deliver your presents, head over to the Argo online store and pick up a little gift for...

Argonaut’s Xmas Tuttz

Argonaut Resins will be wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a super Happy New releasing a run of 15 exclusive Xmas Tuttz resin figures. (I love the pastel pearlescent look) Three of those Tuttz will be New Year chase figures. These will be available...

Kings of Atlantis Xmas Pearls Released

How did I miss this one?!? Argonaut Resins just released the Kings of Atlantis Xmas Pearls vis their online store. This group includes 2 of the 5 white Chase Pearl skulls, a solid light blue Sky King Pearl and a clear tint yellow Sun King Pearl. Each King skull comes...

Kings of Atlantis Wave 2

Cookies -n- Cream will be releasing Wave 2 of their Kings of Atlantis collaboration with Eric Nocella Diaz (Argonaut Resins) on Tuesday December 14th 2010. They'll be dropping 5 handcrafted resin pieces: the Wealth King, the Sun King, the Vengeance King, the Forest...

Holiday Tuttz

As Eric Nocella Diaz (Argonaut Resins) recuperates from his injuries...he posted this teaser of a quartet of new Tuttz resins. He's not sure about edition sizes or drop dates yet, but the plans are for the Pearlescent Tuttz to be for Christmas and the Metallic Tuttz...