Plaseebo “FROZEN ASTRO-NOT” Lottery

Plaseebo “FROZEN ASTRO-NOT” Lottery

Plaseebo has announced details for their “FROZEN ASTRO-NOT” Lottery. That lottery is open now thru Wednesday June 3rd 2020.  The “FROZEN ASTRO-NOT” is a one of a kind custom built on a Plaseebo glow in the dark vinyl Walker body produced by PLANET-X. It has a...
Yellow Mustard Blaster by Sket-One

Yellow Mustard Blaster by Sket-One

Tomenosuke is currently taking pre-orders for their Yellow Mustard Blaster by Sket-One. This is the second edition of Sket's popular piece (the first was sold in December 2019). With a display stand included, this pre-sale runs now through 10:59AM ET on Monday June...
Olive Green Kub by Mike Fudge

Olive Green Kub by Mike Fudge

From UVD Toys, the Olive Green Kub is an artist edition that's available from artist Mike Fudge's webshop beginning today - May 27th 2020 - at 3PM ET. This exclusive edition is limited to 50 pieces worldwide and will be available to purchase for $75.00 each. All boxes...
Mechacreatch Lottery

Mechacreatch Lottery

Lulubell Toys is currently running lottery for four painted Mechacreatch one-off figures - Ultragaramon, WookieRobot, TerminatorCreatch, and TMNTCreatch. Mechacreatch is designed and produced by S.W.A.R.M.M., and the 10-inch tall figures feature a themed split paint...
Plaseebo “T-600 TANK” Lottery

Plaseebo “T-600 TANK” Lottery

The Plaseebo “T-600 TANK” Lottery open now thru Wednesday May 27th 2020. Produced by Bob Conge of Plaseebo, the “T-600 TANK” is custom built on a Max Toy vinyl tank body with a vinyl T-600 Endoskeleton head. It has clear red inset eyes which are illuminated from...