Resin Is King Series 2

Tenacious Toys, in conjunction with Dead Hand Toys, has announced the upcoming Resin is King Series 2 release. The blind-boxed resin mini figure series features resin work from 16 artists. Each artist was asked to develop a new sub-3" resin sculpt and submit 10 pieces to the series using that sculpt.

The Resin is King Series 2 release party will take place at Kidrobot NY on October 4th 2012 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. Many of the artists will be there to sign their pieces, and - of course - you can purchase the blind boxes there. Prices will run $25.00 per blind box or $400.00 for a case of 16 pieces (one from each artist).

Artists include:

• Brian Ahlbeck (Dead Hand Toys)
• Dave Bondi
• Rich Page (UME Toys)
• NEMO & OsirisOrion (Bad Applez Inc.)
• Jay222
• Motorbot
• Matt A*
• Argonaut Resins
• Selina Briggs (The Jelly Empire)
• Kilroy III
• Kris Dulfer (KiD iNK iNDUSTRiES)
• JC Rivera
• Christopher Moore (We Become Monsters)
• Vanessa Ramirez
• Scott Kinnebrew (Forces of Dorkness)