RVA’s The Batman Custom

Rotobox Vinyl Anatomica has completed work on a new custom - The Batman. From their Tribute Series, this custom Celsius figure is limited to only 3 pieces. One custom figure will be displayed at the Vinyl + Splash show, taking place on November 26th 2011.

Twenty Questions: David Horvath

P&P: Congratulations on getting Ox on the cover of the 2011 Toys "R" Us Great Big Book. How do you feel about Uglydolls having their own sections in two of the most well-known toy stores in Toys "R" Us and FAO Schwarz? DH: I still have the Big Book from when I was...

Large Format Kid Dragon

The Loyal Subjects and Sam Flores have announced the release of the Large Format Kid Dragon. Standing just under five feet tall, the fiberglass Kid Dragon is broken into three parts. The Orange Kid Dragon Edition is limited to ten pieces. A Certificate of Authenticity...

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