wootini Little Green Men

Wootini Gallery is proud to present Little Green Men, a show featuring artwork from current and former employees of North Carolina-based game development company, Red Storm. The guest curator, Andy Foltz, is a current employee of Red Storm and chose to include his co-workers because of the talent fostered and brewing at the gaming company.

The Opening Reception takes place on April 15th 2011 from 7PM to 11PM. The Little Green Men show will run until May 15th 2011.

Of the theme choice, Andy says, “The theme of little green army men seemed like a natural overlap of Red Storm's game franchises and the toy and pop culture interests Wootini represents. But the name 'Little Green Men' also invites associations with aliens, Area 51, and top secret wartime research projects. So it started with the seed of military themed entertainment and toys and expanded into the wider universe.

Wootini Gallery
101 Lloyd Street
Carrboro, NC