wootini NZGP

Wootini Gallery is excited to announce the New Zealand Goes Pop group art show featuring artists living in - or originally from - the proud little country down under. The opening reception will take place on Friday, February 4th 2011 from 7PM to 11PM. If you can't make it to the opening, the show will run until February 28th.

Jess George aka Team Sweet is acting as curator for this show held at Wootini Gallery in Carrboro. The New Zealand Goes Pop show will feature prints, original paintings, plushies and customized designer figures from a group of over 10 artists.

Artists include (but aren't limited to):

Becky Dreistadt, City Down, EDMO!, Jake Hope, Karla Hansen, Marc Streeter, Michael Kennedy, Paul Shih, PNTR, Podgy Panda, SHOo, thisisrabbit, and Xander Laytin

Wootini Gallery
101 Lloyd Street
Carrboro, NC