
Wootini is pleased to present All Dressed Up With No Place To Go: Glass
Paintings by Kevin Herdeman
from September 11th to October 6th. The opening reception will take place on the 11th from 7PM until 11PM,
featuring music by the Wootini family, popcorn, and Kevin himself.

All Dressed Up With No Place To Go features
all new work, inspired by anything from pop culture (for example, the
reoccurring Bearded Spock), music (especially the Misfits and Tim
Waits), and jokes between Herdeman and his girlfriend. Herdeman
explains that the goal of his paintings is to make the viewer laugh—he
paints what makes him happy, and hopes that it will do the same for
everyone who sees it. Herdeman’s philosophy of painting makes sense of
his bizarre subjects. His serious giraffes in formal wear and Boston
Terriers with caveman beards are certainly good at their jobs.

200 N. Greensboro St.
STE A-9 inside Carr Mill
Carrboro, NC