
Wootini will be showing off the work of Martina Secondo Russo and Frank Russo at The MF Show tomorrow evening (Friday October 12th).  The opening will begin at 7PM, so be there on time!

Martina Secondo Russo and Frank Russo of MF Gallery in Manhattan, NY are bringing down a visual onslaught of art that is sure to horrify the weak and tickle the fancies of the bold.  If you're a fan of Zombies, Monsters, GWAR, Metal, Sideshow Freaks or Horror Flicks, know this: these two are the East Coast's masters. They have endlessly and successfully shown some of the best art having anything to do with the pulp-monster universe that your fangs so fiercely crave.

Carr Mill Mall
STE A-7 (behind Weaver St. Market)
200 N. Greensboro ST
Carrboro, NC 27510