Tokidoki Be@rbrick

Medicom is set to release a new Tokidoki Be@rbrick 400% - LA Robber edition exclusively through Toy Tokyo. It's currently up for a pre-order price of $84.99, and will likely be a Christmas present for many Tokidoki fans.

Watchmen Kubricks

Medicom has released their Watchmen line of Kubrick mini figures. The six characters that will be a part of the series are Nite Owl II, Ozymandias, The Comedian, Dr. Manhattan, Rorschach and Silk Spectre II. Fans of the film - and graphic novel - will definitely dig...

No Future Companion

As with every figure released by KAWS, the No Future Companion - Black Chrome Version quickly sold out. The metal figure featuring a chrome finish (limited edition of 500 pieces) sold for $980 each. That's not a typo...$980 for the 12.5" tall figure...and it...

T-RIP Be@rbrick

Sideshow currently has Medicom's T-RIP 400% Be@rbrick figure available for pre-order. The 11" tall figure is from the Terminator Salvation film. Each one will run $99.99 and should ship in Q2 of this year.