Plastic and Plush Exclusive Jade Tuttz

Tonight at 8PM EST, we'll be releasing the last 6 Plastic and Plush Exclusive Jade Tuttz resin figures from Argonaut Resins. These will only be made available through our web store HERE. This go-round, each resin piece will be blind-boxed. You can pick one up for...

Plastic and Plush Jade Tuttz – Wave 2

You might have heard of these Tuttz resin figures from Eric Nocella Diaz (Argonaut Resins). Our first exclusive wave of 6 pieces sold out in under an hour. Well, END has really stepped up his game with the Plastic and Plush Exclusive Jade Tuttz Wave 2. Wave 2 features...

Bubble Gum Tuttz Wave 2 Release

Argonaut Resins has announced that their Bubble Gum Tuttz Wave 2 resins will drop today (Thursday July 29th) at 12 Noon EST. There are a total of 6 pieces in this wave, all of which will be available to purchase through the Argonaut Resins online store. Wave 2 will...

Tuttz Bubble Gum Edition Wave 2

END of Argonaut Resins posted up this nice, little teaser of Wave 2 of his resin Tuttz Bubble Gum Edition. These will each come with the hand sewn custom carry bag vinyl packaging (similar to Wave 1). Eric has really been kicking the Wave 2 designs up a notch...just...

SDCC10: More Dragatomi News

Dragatomi has revealed a few new details about the going-ons taking place at San Diego Comic Con Booth #3848. The Ozomahtli Original colorway figure by Jesse Hernandez (pictured above) will be available at the booth. Argonaut Resins also unveiled the packaging for the...