Look Keys has announced a collection of Art Keys featuring extremely talented artists from the designer scene. These are ready-to-cut house keys that can be used in place of those standard, plain metal keys most of us carry around. The Art Key lineup features designs from 16 different artists, including: Alex Pardee, Amanda Louise Spayd, Amanda Visell, Andrea Kang, Chris RWK, Chris Ryniak, Greg 'Craola' Simkins, Hyperactive Monkey, Jermaine Rogers, Joe Ledbetter, J*RYU, Julie West, kaNO, Reactor-88, Sket-One and Yoskay Yamamoto.

The keys are open-run, retail for $10.00 each, and are available in two different key types (Schlage and Kwikset). Just bring one of these to your local hardware store and get it keyed to fit your lock.