Lulubell Toys is introducing Aleister Growley - the first sofubi figure from Dski One. Aleister is a two-part original figure sculpted by Dski One. Standing approximately 4.5 inches tall, it articulates in the neck. The prototype sofubi version (red, unpainted) is available now - via made to order pre-order - through Thursday February 14th 2019 at 5PM PT. This version will run $25.00 each plus shipping, which shipping estimated for late-March 2019.
Aleister is the first in a cast of characters that will explore the various archetypes of evil. Aleister is a demon dog who narrowly escaped the gates of hell to walk back amongst the living. Is he man's best friend or will he bite the hand that feeds? Adopt one today if you dare, but be sure to have plenty of puppy treats on hand. Or maybe a shock collar?!