Funko has announced several new figures from the Marvel: Animated Spider-Man license...including:

Animated Spider-Man Mystery Minis
Celebrate the imminent release of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with your favorite teenage Super Hero and his allies and Super Villains. A 12-piece Mystery Mini series includes Miles Morales with a cape, Spider-Man, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, Spider-Gwen, an additional Spider-Man, Prowler, Scorpion, Kingpin, Miles Morales unmasked, a third Miles Morales, and Green Goblin. An additional Mystery Mini available exclusively through Walgreens includes three different Mystery Mini figures.

Pop! Marvel: Animated Spider-Man
The story continues with two Pop! versions of Miles Morales, Green Goblin, Prowler, Spider-Gwen, a jumping Peter Parker, and Spider-Man Noir. Additionally, Spider-Ham and Spider-Man Noir can be found at Walgreens.

These figures can currently be purchased over at