Artist Kasey Tararuj (One-Eyed Girl) will be attending Five Points Fest this weekend. She'll be sharing a booth with Lickyourelbow Art - at Booth #223. And KC has announced a few of the items that she'll be bringing with her to the show.

She'll have a new batch of Kritters and Kronies available. Pictured above are Cuppy Cako, Neapo Litan, and Chip Chocko, but there should be a few more of these little guys featuring little popsicle, candy apple and macaroon friends going for $50.00 to $100.00 a piece.

She will have 5 little Hatchies (shown below) available. Each baby dragon is a Custom Lunartik Cup of Tea. There's Water Dragon, Lizard Dragon, Furry Dragon, Alien Dragon, and Flying Dragon - at $90.00 each.

Along with these little guys, KC will have tons of other original sculpts, custom toys, resins and 3D paintings available all at Booth #223.