October Toys is looking to fund their OMFG! Series 4 GID lineup with a new Kickstarter campaign. This series, which is similar to collectible mini figures like M.U.S.C.L.E. and Monster In My Pocket, was already released - however never in this colorway. 

OMFG Series 4 consists of five figures including:

1. Fossil Freak designed by Michael Stearns and sculpted by George Gaspar
2. Wooly Wisp designed and sculpted by Billy Parker
3. Bullseye designed by (Raging Nerdgasm) Tom Khayos and Ana Bruja-Khayos and sculpted by George Gaspar
4. Tree Witched designed by MudMarox and sculpted by GormTransMonster
5. The Siren designed by Corwin Webb and sculpted by George Gaspar

To pick up one set, you'll need to back at the $12.00 level. This project will only be funded if at least $3,300 is pledged by Thursday, October 6th 2016 at 11:12 AM EDT.

Remember...this is not a pre-order. There are many instances of crowd funded projects that have been funded never making good on their promised goods. So back with caution.
