
Some folks might know artist Monique Motil's creations in a fairly roundabout way. Her little creatures (Sartorial Creatures) inspired several characters (the Squirrel People) in a pair of Christopher Moore's books (A Dirty Job and Secondhand Souls). It's easy to see how they would conjure up thoughts of randomly assembled creatures that a should could be thrown into. With various animal pieces and little handmade outfits...they're some of the most unique pieces I've seen.

Monique describes the Sartorial Creatures as follows:

I create dolls because I don’t have enough room in my closets for full-scale costumes. Each animal skull inspires a separate character and period of fashion. I view every creature as a collage since I use pieces of my lifelong collections of strange pods and sparkly bits, fabric scraps, body parts, beads and bones to construct the sculptures. I am very inspired by the colors and texture of the natural world. I respectfully build each piece with the spirit of the animals involved.

Currently, you can pick one up over at her Etsy page, where they're selling anyone from $110 to $440 each.
