Originally debuting at Superfestival 68 back in April 2015, the Galactic Teleportation Oozeballs: Wave 2 from The Disarticulators and Rampage Toys will be available to those who could get one earlier this year. Produced in a squishy clear matte soft vinyl, the Tru:Tek-designed, Zectron-sculpted “squeaky toy” has been treated to a mix of pink and gold sprays with neon green detailing courtesy of Rampage, coming complete with a motion-activated LED unit that's been mounted in the base. Limited to an edition of 9 pieces, The Galactic Teleportation Oozeballs: Wave 2 will be available over at the Man-E-Toys Store today (Friday, June 12th 2015) at 4PM ET, priced at $65.00 each plus shipping.