
Matthew Dennall - a startup toy maker based in Sheffield UK - has opened his UncannyCritters online store...featuring his first available creation - The Puck. Puck is the first in a series of toys that will be based on old British folk​-tales. "Pucks are forest Goblins, who are viewed as the most dim witted of the tree spirits, often thought by other fairy folks as being no smarter then a young dog."

The nearly 4-inch tall toy will be cast and painted by the artist. He's painted a classic green on the flesh and then an autumn reddish brown for the bark that grows from his skin. The figure features articulation in the forearms and head.

The Puck is now available for preorder, and Matthew will begin shipping out the toys on December 5th 2014. They're available to order now for $49.00 each.
