Artist Kasey Tararuj (One Eyed Girl) has created five new pieces for Clutter Gallery's "Color Theory" show, which opened this past Saturday (September 13th 2014).  All of the following are available for purchase at from Clutter.

All of the descriptions below are from the artist.


Dorkosaurus "Dorko" Rex and Neandersloth are my prehistoric pet and owner.  Dorko is a custom Raaar and Neandersloth is made from some random micro munnyworld figure.  I'm obsessed with dinosaurs so I'm really excited about them, especially Dorko's dumb looking smile.

Bizmo and Buddy are a Custom 7" and Micro Munny.  A personal favorite.


Porcey the Horsie is a Custom Tokidoki Unicorno.  I've been itching to make a carousel horse for years so I'm stoked to have finally done so.


Camo Cameron is a 4" Custom Foomi, my silly little chameleon.


Neddy Needlenose is a 4" Custom Rooz, my cute little chubby hummingbird.