Amazing Heroes SDCC Contest

Fresh Monkey Fiction will be at San Diego Comic Con to take it spread the word about their crowd-funded Amazing Heroes action figure line. Launched just last week, Amazing Heroes hopes to bring four classic and cult heroes to life as 1980s style vintage 4” action figures. The first wave includes Captain Action, the Golden Age Dare-Devil, Black Terror, and Stardust the Super-Wizard—with stretch goal figures of Champion of Mars and Silver Streak.

Fresh Monkey Fiction will be at the Captain Action Custom Figure Contest, Thursday July 24th 2014 at 3:30PM in Room: 24ABC.

They're also running the “Find Fresh Monkey Fiction” contest at San Diego Comic Con. If you find someone wearing a Fresh Monkey Fiction t-shirt, come across one of their SDCC flyers, or find a cosplayer dressed as an Amazing Hero...take a photo with the hashtag #AmazingHero (and tag the Amazing Heroes Facebook page in any FB posts), and a link to their Kickstarter page on any social media. All of the rules are available via the Fresh Monkey Fiction homepage.