Kaiju Kaos Smackdown Kickstarter

Acheson Creations and Bailey Records have teamed up for the Kaiju Kaos: Smackdown Kickstarter. The Kickstarter project runs until 3:30PM ET on Wednesday, February 12th 2014. There is a project goal of $1,800.00 that needs to be raised in order for the project to go forward.

Of course, there are plenty of pledge rewards - figures starting at the $10.00 level. Each design is handmade and ready to hand-cast in durable urethane plastic by Acheson Creations. They will be produced in a Kickstarter-exclusive Vivid Slime green color.

Every supporter of this project will be able to choose exactly which characters he or she wants from “The Twelve” shown in the video and photo. Designs can be chosen in any combination from 1 of each to an army of 12 of the same sculpt, or something in-between.