9DKP (9 Deadly Killer Pussies) is a new anime about nine different people that are randomly chosen to receive shape shifter powers. These powers are given to them once a cat demon named Babusa is accidentally freed from his imprisoned state within the 9 Eyes Stone. The story is set to be centered around the last member of the 9DKP, who thinks he won his powers through a prize, and feels he doesn't need to be in the team since he's "NUMBER 1".

Created by Erick Scarecrow of ESC-Toy, the 9DKP anime project will be hand animated by Asahi Production and dubbed in English. Through their Kickstarter project, the goal is to produce an 20 minute long episode. Of course, as stretch goals are met, the length of the film will grow.

The project will only be funded if at least $159,999 is pledged by Wednesday December 18th 2013 at 9:36PM EST. And there are plenty of toy-related funding rewards, including plush and resin figures.