Well here is some sad news from the land of Rocket World. Our pal Patrick Ma has posted the following regarding the future of Rocket World and the Insurgents Wilderness Gruppo (IWG), which has been on hiatus since 2010.

This was one of the first lines I ever reviewed (over at the now defunct Toytoons.com), and it's sad to see it come to an end...especially knowing how passionate Patrick was about his creations and the topic of wildlife conservation.

Greetings Friends of Rocket World and the IWG,

I regret to announce that with my recent separation on May 1st, 2013 from Triple Aught Design, LLC as a result of unresolved disputes with the remaining Members Brett Eisenberg and David Cahill, I currently do not have access to, or am involved in the brand known as Rocket World, and other IPs under this brand including the IWG.

When I created Rocket World and the IWG in December of 2000, it held great personal meaning for me, and I want to sincerely thank all of you who chose to support and follow this unique and eclectic brand over the many years. This tremendous support allowed me to create the many products and stories in a world that was entertaining, satirical, and meaningful as it also conveyed an important message in support of a topic very important to me, wildlife conservation.

As some of you know Rocket World and the IWG was placed on hiatus in 2010 so I could focus on my brand Triple Aught Design (TAD Gear). I was hoping to return to it someday, especially at a time when I could share it my two young boys. As of May 1, 2013 I do not know what plans if any, Eisenberg and Cahill have with brand Rocket World and the IWG.

As the sole author and creator of Rocket World and the IWG, I am deeply saddened that I am currently unable to continue on with this IP, but again wanted to thank all of you for the many years of support of and enthusiasm for this brand. I hope all of you who have an interest in wildlife conservation can find other ways to support this important work in your own ways.

Ad Astra and Beast Regards,

-Patrick Ma