Monsters Misfits 3

Monsters and Misfits III will feature returning artists Brandt Peters, Kathie Olivas, Amanda Louise Spayd, Chris Ryniak, and Doktor A, with Andrew Bell, Carisa Swenson, Ragnar, and Stan Manoukian as new additions to the roster.

In collaboration with Tomenosuke-Syoten, this museum-quality exhibit will bring you on a midnight parade through a strange and wonderful world of ghosts, spirits, monsters. This year’s group of Circus Posterus artists and friends present a hand-made circus of beady eyed critters, old dolls, odd children, and other oddities that promise to leave you awash in starry-eyed wonder.

Brandt Peters, Amanda Louise Spayd, Chris Ryniak, Doktor A and Andrew Bell will be attending the opening reception on September 13th.

The exhibit will run from September 13th to 26th 2013 at the Kusakabe Folk Museum in Takayama, Japan, with an opening reception on September 13th.

Kusakabe Folk Museum
1-52 Ojinmachi
Takayama, Gifu Prefecture
+81 577-32-0072