Mimoco Sulu Mimobot

Mimoco, under license by CBS Consumer Products, has announced the second installment in the Star Trek x MIMOBOT Series. The Hikaru Sulu MIMOBOT has been released in a limited edition of 1,000 hand-numbered pieces. He joins Spock, Kirk, Picard and Data in MIMOBOT flash drive form.

Available in up to 128GB and USB 3.0 capabilities (ranging from $24.95 to $129.99), Sulu MIMOBOT also comes preloaded with bonus Mimory and the MimoDesk personalization suite of wallpapers, icons and avatars. It also comes equipped with MimoByte sound software powered with an offering of iconic Star Trek sounds and Sulu character dialogue that plays each time Sulu MIMOBOT is inserted or ejected from one’s computer.

"Oh my!"