In May 2011, Walt Disney Pictures released the fourth installment from their Pirates of the Caribbean film series. In Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Johnny Depp reprises his role as the eccentric Captain Jack Sparrow. He's joined on-screen by his former love-interest and current foil Angelica (played by Penélope Cruz).
Hot Toys has produced plenty of figures (sixth-scale and Cosbaby) based on the Pirates of the Caribbean movie license. Angelica follows the Captain Jack Sparrow DX figure as the two sixth-scale figures released from On Stranger Tides. The Angelica Sixth Scale Figure is Hot Toys' Summer 2012 Toy Fair Exclusive and has been released in limited quantities by Sideshow Collectibles.
The Facts
Angelica – Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Series: Movie Masterpiece Series
Manufacturer: Hot Toys
Sculpted by: K.A. Kim
Authorized Likeness: Penélope Cruz
Material: Sixth Scale Female TrueType Body with Implanted Fabric Hair
Dimensions: 11.25” tall
Points of Articulation: 28 points
Outfit: Black Hat with Feather; Reddish-Brown Patterned Long Jacket; Patterned Long Vest; White Long-Sleeved Shirt; Black Girdle; Pair of Black Pants; Buckled Belt; Pair of Leather-like Black Boots
Accessories: Two Swords with Holster; Dagger; Pair of Earrings; Gold Necklace with Charm; Compass; Pair of Chalices; Captain Jack Voodoo Doll; Figure Stand with Angelica Nameplate and Movie Logo
Pricing: $224.99
The outer packaging features a photo of Penelope Cruz as Angelica from the film (although, it could be a still of the figure since it appears filtered). The interior box has a cutout that allows you to easily slide the inner tray out. Inside that, there's a plastic tray and cover that contains the figure and all of those accessories.
Our Opinion
The last Hot Toys' produced female sixth-scale figure I reviewed was the Sarah Conner collectible from Terminator 2: Judgement Day. While there are plenty of similarities between the two, the one big difference is the hair. As a company, you can either go with sculpted hair or fabric hair. Oftentimes, this makes or breaks the figure.
With Angelica, Hot Toys went the fabric hair route. I often don't take time to “style” figures' hair after unpacking them. (There's just something creepy about a 30-something man flat ironing a doll's Luckily, her hair is fairly short and didn't need much work. Plus, she looks much better wearing the pirate hat.
As with mostly everything Hot Toys does in this scale, the sculpting is amazing. That sculpting with proper paint application make this toy the spitting image of Penélope Cruz. (Some of my close-up photos distort the look a little) Although, this isn't the glamorous Cruz we see strutting the red carpet, the sculpt/paint-work reflects her on-screen look.
Hot Toys has some method where they can paint the pigmented look of skin – blemishes and all. It's viewable on both the face and the rubbery body portions. For example, take a gander at the close-up photo of Angelica's chest tattoo. See all of those tiny red and brown dots? That's what gives the skin that realistic look.
As far as accessories, Angelica comes fully loaded. Like the Captain Jack Sparrow figure, Angelica includes more accessories than she has room for. Of course, she can wear the dagger and sword. But the standout accessory is probably the Jack Sparrow voodoo doll. It's pretty detailed for being such a small piece.
Priced at $224.99, Angelica is $15.00 cheaper than the Captain Jack Sparrow figure. But he was a DX figure, which included two faces and Hot Toys' Parallel Eyeball Rolling System. However, the Angelica figure was a Summer 2012 Toy Fair Exclusive, so it was only available through a limited number of venues.
With all of that said, I probably would have pegged this as a $199.99 piece. While I don't feel that she's a necessary figure for a fan of the Pirates franchise, the quality is enough to warrant the high price point.
You can purchase this at the following:
Sideshow Collectibles: $224.99
Nice little review and pics. I already have the Jack Sparrow model in my personal collection and I’m tempted to add this one. Not a huge fan of the character if I’m honest but it would go well with Jack to complete the set. I think she looks a bit too grumpy/pouty but other than that it’s a good likeness.