Grody Mask 1

Remember being a kid and coveting the toy aisle in the grocery store? Our Mom's used to avoid that aisle at all cost most days, but if we were lucky enough to land in that aisle, and even luckier still to get to pick out a toy, it was a memorable day. A special plastic treasure just waiting to be loved. Memories of grasping that item and staring at the awesome drawings on the package while you wait in line at the checkout, the anticipation of the lifetime of fun that will now be had! And what happened when you got home? You ripped open the awesome package, and found the toy inside. The contents inside usually were way less detailed than the package art, but we were excited and felt joy all the same. As a tribute to that age old experience at the grocery store, Grody Shogun brings you the Grody Mask!

Lulubell Toys has released the Grody Mask - designed by Grody Shogun and featuring box art by Ralph Niese. I'm not sure if can actually see out of the mask, but it only runs $ I guess you can drill some holes in it, if needed.

Grody Mask 2