Mutations NYCC

Having started sculpting and casting resin toys last year, making the Sea-Borgs has been a learning experience and I've made a lot of mistakes along the way.

There have been plenty of bad castings, colors that didn't quite work, failed paint tests and more. All of these "lessons" have added up over the months to create my new Sea-Borg Mutation figures.

In the world of the Sea-Borgs, these are the guys and gals who didn't come out looking so pretty after the Invaders ruined their world. But that doesn't mean that they have to stay hidden in the murky depths.

These Sea-Borg Mutations will be available for purchase at New York Comic Con in the MonsterPants Booth #3116. Each unique figure is priced between $20 and $30 and comes packaged in a clear bag with header card.