Wednesday October 3rd 2012

notm12 10 front

2:00PM ET
October 2012 Ninja of the Month - Sneak Ninja
100 pieces

Friday October 5th 2012

Hustle Catalog Promo

4:00PM ET
H.U.S.T.L.E. - Min-E-Face vs ‘Ed Skworm
10 pieces of each colorway (Toxic Green and Ultra Violet)
$25.00 plus shipping

Sunday October 7th 2012

Cometdebris SFE 2 Cometdebris SFE 1

10:00PM ET
Super Festival 60 Exclusives
Kappa Shonen - Color - 5,000 Yen (about $64)
Kappa Shonen - Unpainted - 4,500 Yen (about $58)
Sametan - 3,500 Yen (about $45)

Monday October 8th 2012

Halloween Cavey and Coney

3:00PM ET
Halloween Cavey Release
Mummy Cavey - 100 pieces - £16.00 (about $26)
Candy Corn Coney - 10 pieces - £30.00 each (about $48)