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Andi Green has released the second plush from her book – Wince, Don't Feed The WorryBug. The WorryBug is the sixth plush delivered from the pages from Green's Worry Woo Monsters series of books (which currently sits at five books).

The WorryBug loves to make you worry. Why? Because worries are its favorite treat. And the more you worry… the more it will eat! It loves to push your worry button, hoping that one worry will lead to another. So to all of you worriers: DON’T FEED THE WORRYBUG or your worries will grow!

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The Facts

The WorryBug
Series: Worry Woo Monsters
Manufacturer: Monsters In My Head
Artist: Andi Green
Material: Plush
Dimensions: 10” tall (7” tall when seated)
Pricing: $12.99

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The WorryBug has two tags. The first is the basic tag featuring The Worry Woos logo. The second tag actually doubles as a bookmark (it's thicker than a normal tag). It has a photo of the plush on the front, with an illustrated WorryBug and short bio on the back.

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Our Opinion

Even though you might not be able to tell, The WorryBug is in scale with his pal Wince. You can see him with Wince in the book image below, and they're very similar in plush form. This smaller size might also attribute to why The WorryBug runs $12.99 (other WorryWoos run $21.50).

Worry Woos WorryBug Book

The softball-sized WorryBug plush has big eyes, although they're probably not as large as the illustrated version - those dominate his face. The arms have been made of long pieces of yellow rope, which is a nice change in material. Other features include a stinger and wings on the back side and ears and antennae on his head. (Oh...and there's The WorryBug's single tooth)

In my opinion, The WorryBug is the cutest of the plush Worry Woo Monsters. Some of the other characters might have a leg up as illustrations, but I think the smaller size lends itself well to this specific Woo.

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And I think that kids will also love The Worry Bug plush. Even though it's a collectible, the real audience of Andi Green's Wince, Don't Feed The WorryBug and the accompanying plush toys will be the little ones. And not only will they be read a great story at bedtime, but now they can play with the characters from the book.

You can purchase one at the following:

WorryWoos.com: $12.99

Worry Woos WorryBug Grades
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