Mimobot Darth Maul Hooded

With May the 4th behind us, we're still getting a handle on all of the Star Wars news. One of them is from Mimoco, makers of the MIMOBOT designer USB flash drives. They have released a limited edition of the Hooded Darth Maul in a run of 504 units.

This MIMOBOT features Maul with "his characteristic cape, deadly double-bladed light saber, and fierce yellow grimace." Available in capacities from 8GB to 64GB, the flash drive comes preloaded with digital extras that include Star Wars-themed icons, avatars, screensavers, wallpapers, and the mimoByte sound software that plays authentic Star Wars audio clips when MIMOBOT is inserted or ejected from your computer. Pick one up now - from $19.95 to $69.95.