HOG Zip Tup

Coll Snowball has taken to CrowdFunder to raise funds to produce Hog & The Slot in vinyl form. The funding target is set at £7,220 (around $11,500), with less than two months to raise that amount. The goal is to raise enough for the required tooling for the toys.

The plan is to produce the Hog in 2 sizes: 4" ZipTup and 8" Howler designs (With a DIY version available as well).

HOG Howler

The various funding levels can get you some of the following rewards:

• 4” Ziptup Hog & Slot Angel
• 8” Howler Hog & Slot Angel
• 4” + 8” Hog & The Slot DIY

The goal is to get the finished pieces shipped out on September 15th 2012.