Xone Bunny till my Break

Xone Industries and artist Robert Curet have released a new paper toy design just in time for Easter. “Bunny till my Break” is his new free paper toy design, available to download for a limited time.

Robert explains his inspiration below:“I was walking on State street in Las Vegas with some friends a few months ago. There against the backdrop of old casinos and neon, we saw lots of people dressed as shabby versions of famous movie characters. Darth Vader, Captain Jack Sparrow, Elvis (of course)… you get the idea. These people made money by posing for photos with tourists for a price. One of these Hollywood icons was Minnie Mouse- complete with polka dot dress and paper Mache head.

After we had walked in one direction to the end, we turned and walked back. I saw Minnie Mouse’s empty head sitting on the sidewalk. It was odd to think this most famous of mice as decapitated- but there it was! Standing there, next to the mask , in oversized pink high heels and signature red dress with white dots- was a really disheveled man hastily smoking a cigarette. Minnie till his break.

I wanted to give Xone fans a chance to share in this visual joke. Innocence concealing the Con. It made me laugh when I saw it.”