Toy Art Gallery is proud to present “Paulyvinyl State of Mind” by the legendary Paul Kaiju. The show will feature a multitude of his various characters in one-offs and editions in vinyl and resin, along with some big surprises.
Paulyvinyl is a limited engagement that opens on Saturday, March 3rd 2012 and runs through March 18th. The opening reception will run from 7:00PM to 11:00PM at Toy Art Gallery’s new showroom located in Los Angeles.
Tickets to purchase work from Paulyvinyl will be distributed FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE starting at Noon on Saturday March 3rd 2012. One ticket per person. Please claim your place in line by 6:30PM. Any remaining work will go online at the following day.
TAG | Toy Art Gallery
7571 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90046