paper foldables big spanky

Our good pal Bryan over at Paper Foldables has released a new paper template for your downloading and constructing pleasure. And while the "Spanky" here isn't a fellow toy blogger, folks who are allergic to pet dander might like this dog. You can download the template here.

Below is the write-up describing the project:

Last year I spent some time as a dog walker while doing Paper Foldables freelance. It was one of my best jobs ever! I walked so many sweet pups and I miss 'em all. One of my favourites was Spanky! He was always the 01st one I picked up on my route. I'd usually show up early just to play with him before we got to the poopin' business! Spanky was a rescue dog and now belongs to a great couple who were just recently married. They hired me to make these Spanky centerpieces with the idea that they would hold treats for wedding guests. It was also the topper for the wedding cake! What an honor! I even got to attend the beautiful wedding at BAM and brought Spanky as my date! Congrats to the newly married couple, Kenny and Joey!

paper foldables spanky