The third week of Mikie Graham's Zombie Art Project has begun. Eight new figures will be released over the next few days (via the link above).
"As Halloween gets closer, week three of the Zombie Art Project continues to shamble along.
This week features 8 new Playmobil zombie designs by Mikie Graham and houses tons of fun surprises.
If you take a closer look at the lineup you will notice one new survivor (the third so far), one movie tribute zombie, a very famous dead pop star, and Patient 0 himself, Mikie's online nomenclature, a mini "zombiemonkie."
As with past weeks, the Z.A.P. figures will be released on a daily basis and cost between $30.00 and $60.00 each. All figures come shipped in a 6" wooden mini coffin with a blood red Zombie Art Project logo emblazoned across its lid.