Heteromorphism, a show curated by Junichi Yajima of Dream Rocket, opens this Saturday (September 24th 2011). The reception will run from 6:00PM until 9:00PM at Double Punch Gallery in San Francisco. The next day, Sunday of course, at 2:00PM, there will be an in-store paint demo by Yajima-san. There are a lot of excellent kaiju customizers who will be taking part of this show.
Featuring artists:
TOUMA, Namiko Sonobe, Teresa, Tomoe, Konatsu, Cocomahee, Tsutomu Masuyama, Dol Roffo, PICO PICO, Black Rabbit, P.P.PUDDING, Junichi Yajima, Mark Nagata, Matt Walker, Daniel Goffin, Chris Ryniak, and Todd Robertson