kidrobot swatch

Today (August 18th 2011) is the worldwide launch of the highly anticipated Kidrobot x Swatch collaboration. To celebrate this pairing of artist watches and matching Dunnys, Swatch is hosting events in 11 countries around the globe. They will feature Kidrobot artists: Frank Kozik, MAD, Tara McPherson, Jeremyville and Joe Ledbetter.  

Shanghai, China - August 18
Swatch Art Peace Hotel
Featuring Frank Kozik, MAD and Tara McPherson

Tokyo, Japan - August 20
Tokyo Shibuya/Harajuku (Dictionary Club)
Featuring MAD

Hong Kong, China - August 22
Swatch Lee Garden Road Shop
Featuring MAD

London, England - August 24
London Swatch Store
Featuring MAD

Liverpool, England - August 25
Liverpool Swatch Store
Featuring MAD

Amsterdam, Netherlands - September 5
Concrete Store
Featuring TILT

Milan, Italy - September 8
Store Via Montenapoleone
Featuring Jeremyville

Basel, Switzerland - September 8
Featuring TILT

Paris, France - September 13
Espace Feaubourg
Featuring TILT

Madrid, Spain - September 13
Edifico Hermanos Lamarca
Featuring Tara McPherson

New York, USA - September 16
5 Avenue Swatch Store
Featuring Frank Kozik, Jeremyville and Tara McPherson

Singapore - September 20
Swatch Lee Garden Road Shop
Featuring Joe Ledbetter

Lisbon, Portugal - September 20
Swatch Store Gaia
Featuring TILT